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Govt Mental Hospital Amritsar was established in the year 1948 when non- muslim patients admitted in Mental hospital, Lahore were transferred to Amritsar and were initially housed in an old building which was once used for juvenile offenders. Govt of Punjab established an 811 bedded hospital in an area of 108 Acres. In the year 2001, the administrative control of the hospital was transferred to Punjab Health Systems Corporation and a new and beautiful building for a 450 bedded hospital having all the facilities was built and commissioned in 2003 and the hospital has been named as Institute of Mental Health (Govt. Mental Hospital) Amritsar. It is presently spread over an area of 60 Acres and caters to the mental health needs of states of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh Union Territory. The admissions of mentally ill patients are done strictly on the basis of Mental Health Care Act, 2017. The hospital has well qualified staff and is affiliated and accredited to National Board of Examinations, New Delhi for imparting training in Psychiatry for D.N.B. Presently, two candidate for DNB Primary and two for DNB Secondary course are admitted every year. It has also a School of Nursing and is affiliated to Indian Nursing Council for the three years course of General Nursing and Midwifery.


Director's Message

I am grateful for having been granted the privilege to serve as the Director of this prestigous institute, Institute of Mental Health, Amritsar. I express my humble respect to the past director and all the office bearers of IMH, Amritsar, who through years of hard work have brought this organisation to such great heights. I am honoured to be working with current office bearers who are humble, hardworking and emotionally charged individuals. My purpose as the current Director is to raise quality of treatment and care provided to patients with mental illness, to increase the awareness and alleviate the stigma associated with mental illness in Punjab. I shall also ensure excellent quality of education to DNB candidates who join here every year, so that they are better equipped to serve the society as Psychiatrists in future.

Seeking your constant blessings and support.

Dr. Savinder Singh
